Database Design

InterQuix has developed custom databases ranging from simple to complex. Our experience over the past 10 years in database design and administration has given us the ability to tackle even the most daunting of data tasks.

Whether your needs are for a small Palm Pilot database, or for a full application in Microsoft Access or Corel Paradox, InterQuix has the experience necessary to meet your every need. Perhaps you need to extract or "mine" information from existing data. We have experience with that, too. We have even pulled together years of disorganized paperwork, and culled that information into a concise and highly informational report that proved the client's legal case.

Whatever your needs, large or small, InterQuix will be happy to meet with you and help you identify exactly what you need, and what can be done for you.

Database projects are generally billed on an hourly basis, however, certain projects, depending on size, can be bid on a per job basis.

Comments or questions? Please contact InterQuix at 510.797.7849 or E-mail to
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